Page 93 - 8_sf_Nar_Tanesi_5li_Genel_Deneme
P. 93
3. 4. Henry : Hi, Henry speaking. Could I talk to
Grace, please?
Grace : Hi, Henry. It’s me.
Henry : Oh, I’m so sorry, Grace. I feel really
Grace : No worries, Henry. How are you?
Henry : I’m great. Look, there is a big basketball
match tomorrow. I’m very excited about
Rose is in the kitchen with her son North. She it. Shall we watch the match together?
wants to teach North how to make good home-
made lemonade. She thinks the secret of making Grace : Henry? I can’t hear you? Can you repeat?
good lemonade is to use the right amount of Henry : Oh, it’s a bad line and I’m really angry.
lemon juice, sugar and water. For this drink, they Grace : I have to hang up the phone because I
need 8 lemons, two cups of sugar and two cups of can’t hear you.
water. Here are the steps.
Which emoji does NOT have a connection with
the dialogue?
I. Wash the lemons with warm water and roll
each lemon with the palm of your hand. A) B)
II. Cut the lemons into slices and put them into a
large mixing bowl.
III. Add the sugar and mash the lemons for a
couple of minutes. Blend the sugar and juice.
IV. Put the liquid into a jug. Then add 8 cups of
C) D)
Which picture has a connection with the first
A) B)
C) D)
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