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             ADVENTURES                                                                            NEW GENERATION TEST

           8.   An extreme sports complex conducted a survey on 100 people’s extreme sport preferences. Here are the results :

                 •   Only a few people prefer an air sport.
                 •  25 people would rather explore mysterious places.
                 •  15 people prefer a winter sport.

                 •  Most people are interested in a water extreme sport.
               According to the results above, which of the following is CORRECT?
                A)                       B)                       C)                       D)
                                                  10%                    10%                    10%
                     25%                     25%                             25%                     25%
                                                    15%                                       15%
                   15%                                                 50%    15%
                                                50%                                               50%
                      cav ng               sk  ng                 scuba-d v ng           hang-gl d ng

           9.   Here are the comments of some people who tried skydiving.

                                                                                         Ph l p

                                                                                           To me, paragl d ng  s
                                              Steve                                         more challeng ng.
                                                             N na
                          The v ew was  ncred ble.

                                        You should wear glasses                 I’ll def n tely try  t aga n.
                                         to protect your eyes.

               Whose comment is about safety?

               A)  Steve’s            B)  Philip’s           C)  Nina’s            D) Ron’s

                                                 What do you think about extreme sports?
               Richard : I think they are incredible. I go rafting with my friends every summer.

               Anna    : I never had a chance to try any of them, but I really want to.
               April   : I am afraid of them because they are too dangerous.
               Dahlia  : I haven’t tried an extreme sport before, but I suppose they are amusing.
               Which of the following is CORRECT according to the dialogue?

               A)  Two of them tried an extreme sport before.
               B)  April is a real adventurer.
               C)  Dahlia thinks extreme sports are dangerous.
               D) Richard is fond of extreme sports and he usually does a water sport.

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