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           CHORES                                                                                 VOCABULARY – 2

                                              Adjectives (Sıfatlar)

            responsible  :  sorumlu              clean           :  temiz
            hard       :  zor / sıkı             peaceful        :  huzurlu
            difficult    :  zor                  same            :  aynı
            boring     :  sıkıcı                 old             :  eski
            tired      :  yorgun                 moral           :  ahlaki
            necessary   :  gerekli               dirty           :  kirli
            tidy       :  düzenli                characteristic   :  karakteristik
            neat       :  tertipli/toplu         ready           :  hazır
            quiet      :  sessiz                 real            :  gerçek
            worth      :  değerinde              enough          :  yeterli

              Exercise 1     Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

               1.   I like taking out the garbage. I find it enjoyable / difficult.
               2.   Charlie’s father isn’t a chef, but he prepares neat / delicious meals.
               3.   Duties such as cleaning up the house, ironing and doing the laundry are
                   household / moral chores.
               4.   To me, it is responsible / necessary to tidy up your room. I mean you
                   should do it.
               5.   Jeremy wanted to help us, but he couldn’t. Because he was ready / busy.
               6.   I didn’t clean up the room yesterday because I was very peaceful / tired.
               7.   Cooking may seem hard / quiet, but not for me. I like it.
               8.   Helen doesn’t like her duties because she thinks they are great / boring.

               Exercise 2    Put the letters into the correct order to find the words. Then complete the sentences.

               1.   Müge always keeps her desk _________________ (ytdi) and _________________(tnae).
               2.   My brother finds Math lesson _________________ (tdlifucif) and _________________(gbonir) but he may be good at
                   it if he studies.
               3.   Mathilda is a _________________ (tqieu) girl. She never speaks during the classes.
               4.   Doing the laundry is my duty at home. I can’t stand seeing a _________________ (ydtir) clothe.
               5.   To me, respect is the most important _________________ (ccihtasreatc) feature.
               6.   My mother always keeps the house _________________ (ncale).

               7.   Living in the _________________ (esam) house requires to share the obligations.
               8.   Gardening is my _________________ (lsapiec) interest. I really like it.

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