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             FRIENDSHIP                                                                            NEW GENERATION TEST

                      Dear Helen,

                      Thank you for inviting me to your graduation party. I’d love to attend and be with you. However, I
                      feel ill and I will miss it. Hope you enjoy your party.

                      See you later.


               Which of the following is CORRECT according to the e-mail above?
               A)  Helen doesn’t want Melissa to attend her party.   B)  Melissa wants to go to the party but she has another plan.
               C)  Melissa invited Helen to her graduation party.   D) Melissa refuses Helen’s invitation with a reason.

           9.   Mr. Black and his students prepare an opinion wall in their class. Students can share only positive opinions about their friends
               on this wall. Here are some students’ notes:

                           I can trust you   I love your jokes and   You always support   You are a very   You are an
                        because you always   spending time with   me but you can be   hardworking person   understanding
                         keep my secrets.  you. You are a great   arrogant sometimes.  and you always help   person, but you
                                               mate.                                            shouldn’t share our
                             Sandra                              Matt         me with my lessons.   secrets.
                                                Elvis                             Edvard            Ashley

                            To Matt           To Sandra         To Elvis          To Ashley       To Edvard

               Whose notes should NOT be on the learning wall according to the information above?
               A)  Elvis and Edvard’s   B)  Sandra and Matt’s   C)  Matt and Ashley’s   D) Edvard and Ashley’s

           10.  In Mrs. Gibson’s class, her students prepare cards that show the personal traits of a good friend. Everybody writes their opinions
               about the most important trait of a good friend. After she collects the cards, she makes pairs in her class according to them.

                              Felicia                         Hank                             Eddy

                         True friends never tell         A good friend should            An adventurous friend
                            lies to each other.              be tactful.                    is the best friend.

                              Drake                            Josh                            Harry

                        My friend should always          To me, a supportive             Being loyal is the most
                             tell the truth.            friend is the best friend.     important trait of a friend.

               According to the information above, who can be a pair?
               A)  Hank & Josh        B)  Eddy & Drake       C)  Josh & Harry      D) Felicia & Drake

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