Page 47 - 8meta_ing
P. 47


           TEEN LIFE                                                                              VOCABULARY – 7

                                               Verbs and Verb Phrases
                                                  (Fiiller ve Deyimler)


          paint  : boyamak                    prefer  : tercih etmek               lend        : ödünç vermek
          draw  : çizmek                      attend  : katılmak                   stand       : dayanmak / katlanmak
          cook  : pişirmek                    take   : almak                       know        : bilmek
          argue  : tartışmak                  share  : paylaşmak                   insult      : aşağılamak
          shop  : alışveriş yapmak            feel   : hissetmek                   text        : mesaj yazmak
          swim  : yüzmek                      gain   : kazanmak                    recommend  : tavsiye etmek
          want  : istemek                     own    : sahip olmak
          hate  : nefret etmek                kid    : şaka yapmak

                                                     VERB PHRASES

          get home              : eve gelmek                     have a shower  : duş almak
          be fond of            : çok sevmek                     brush teeth    : dişleri fırçalamak

          spend time with friends  : arkadaşlarla zaman geçirmek  have breakfast   : kahvaltı yapmak
          get excited           : heyecanlanmak                  have dinner    : akşam yemeği yemek
          have respect to people  : insanlara saygı duymak       be keen on   : hevesli olmak
          have a good relationship : iyi bir ilişkiye sahip olmak  get up       : uyanmak

              Exercise 1     Fill in the blanks with the verbs below.

                               want                feel              stand               share

                                take              insult              prefer          recommend

               1.   She doesn’t __________ to join the concert.
               2.   The movie was great. I __________ you to watch it.

               3.   David doesn’t __________ energetic today. He seems very tired.
               4.   I can’t __________ rock concerts. They are unbearable.
               5.   Melissa doesn’t __________ her dog for a walk. Her brother takes care of her dog.
               6.   I __________ reading biographical books because they are fascinating.

               7.   Teresa is not a snob. She doesn’t __________ other people.
               8.   We __________ the same interests with my best friend, Cemile.

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