Page 13 - 5mod_ing
P. 13

TEST   Hello
                   New Generation Questions

          1.   Linda  :  Hello! I’m Linda.
              Noah  :  Hi, Linda. My name is Noah. ____________. Are you from England?
              Linda  :  Yes, I am. What nationality are you, Noah?

              Noah  :  ___________  .
              Linda  :  Are you a secondary school student?
              Noah  :  Yes, I am. _____________ .
              Which option is the best to complete the conversation in the correct order?

              A)  I’m fine, thanks                             B)  My pleasure
                 France                                           I like art
                 I’m ten years old                                It’s on Monday
              C)  Nice meeting you                             D) I’m well, thanks
                 I’m German                                       Yes, it’s my favorite class
                 I’m in the 7th grade                             See you. Bye

          2.   Terry Miller is a secondary school teacher. He asks his students about their favorite classes. There are thirty-six
              students in the class. Look at the table below.

                                                Lessons       Students
                                                 maths           5
                                                science         10
                                                  art            7
                                                  P.E            2
                                                history          4
                                                 drama           8
              Which of the following is CORRECT?
              A)  Five students like drawing pictures.     B)  Ten students enjoy doing experiments.

              C)  Two students like playing an instrument.   D) Four students enjoy sports.


                                      Do you like maths?


                                      Yes, I do. ______________ .

              Which of the following DOES NOT complete the conversation?
              A)  I love singing songs   B)  It’s my favorite class   C)  I enjoy solving problems   D) It’s fun

   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18