Page 136 - 5mod_ing
P. 136

TEST    Fitness
                     New Generation Questions

           3.   Marie and Jane want to go to the sports center after school on weekdays. Their school finishes at half past two
               in the afternoon. Here is the timetable of the sports center:

                    Sports               Days                                 Time
                  basketball          on weekdays        between quarter past two and four o’clock in the afternoon
                 weight lifting  on Saturdays and Sundays  between half past three and five o’clock in the afternoon
                    cycling       on Monday and Friday   between quarter to four and half past six in the afternoon
                  ice-skating        at the weekend      between seven and nine o’clock in the morning
               Which of the following is suitable for Marie and Jane?
               A)                     B)                     C)                    D)


                     Alice      : How about jogging?              Carly  : Would you like to play tennis?

                     Betty     : I’m sorry, but I feel tired.     Brad   : That sounds boring.

                     Teresa  : Do you want to ride a bike?        Robert   : How about playing chess?

                     Zach      : Sorry, I can’t now.              Vernon  : That sounds great!

               Who accepts a suggestion in the dialogues above?
               A)  Betty              B)  Brad               C)  Zach              D) Vernon

                                                             _______ is my favorite
                                          My favorite sport is   sport. It’s a team
                                          _____ . You need a   game. There are five
                                          ball and a racket to   players in each team.
                                               play it.      Players use their hands
                                                               to touch the ball.

                                            I like outdoor
                                          sports. ______ is my   My favorite one is
                                          favorite. You walk in   _______ . You need a
                                          the mountains with      tent for it.
                                          a group of people.

               Which of the following DOES NOT fill in a gap above?
               A)  tennis             B)  ice-skating        C)  hiking            D) basketball

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