Page 88 - 5mod_ing
P. 88

TEST    Health
                     New Generation Questions

                                           Name       :  Ethan
                                           Illness       : the  u
                                           Feeling      : ________
                                           Need       : __________
                                           Should       : _________
                                           Shouldn’t : _______

               Which of the following DOES NOT complete one of the blanks?
               A)  take medicine                             B)  tired

               C)  a cough                                   D) drink cold water


                                    I have a terrible                    I need some
                                      headache.                            tissues.

                                                What’s the matter with you?
                          Tim                                                             Olivia

                                       I have a                           I feel cold.

                          Fred                                                            Betty

               Who should see a dentist?
               A)  Tim                B)  Olivia             C)  Fred              D) Betty


               Which of the following DOES NOT match with one of the visuals above?
               A)  I have a runny nose.                      B)  I have a high fever.
               C)  I have a broken leg.                      D) I have a cough.

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