Page 125 - 6mod_ing
P. 125

TEST   Democracy
                   New Generation Test

          1.   Carla       : ___________ ?
              Freddy  : I think he is a clever person. He has brilliant ideas about our country.
              Carla  : I voted for him in the elections. I think he can solve our problems.

              A)  Who did you vote for
              B)  What should a good president be like
              C)  What is the new president like
              D) Who was your candidate

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              Which of the following DOES NOT complete one of the blanks in the puzzle?
              A)  campaign poster   B)  candidate          C)  voting booth       D) vote

          3.                                            Who do you support in the election?

               Felicia                           My candidate is Selin.
               Hans                              I support Lale.
               Tommy                             I am not a candidate.
               Kevin                             Teresa is my candidate.

              Whose answer IS NOT correct?
              A)  Felicia’s         B)  Hans’s             C)  Tommy’s            D) Kevin’s

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