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P. 63

TEST   At The Fair
                   Reading Test

          1.   Kelly and Marie are classmates and they like fairs.   4.   I like fairs very much. Every weekend I go
              Today they are at the fair with their sisters. Kelly
              is on the carousel with her sister, Jasmine. Kelly   to the fair with my family. My favorite fun
                                                               ride is the ghost train. I think it is amazing,
              thinks carousels are boring. She thinks bumper
              cars are more thrilling than them. Jasmine loves   but my little brother, İsmail, dislikes it. He
                                                               thinks it is horrible and he feels scared
              the carousel and she thinks it is interesting.  Marie                               Ezgi
              and her sister, Linda, are riding the roller coaster   on the ghost train. He always
                                                               rides the carousel. He thinks
              together now. They both like it and they think it
              is amazing.                                      it is more interesting than the
                                                               ghost train.  We both like fairs
              Which of the following is CORRECT according      and spending time together.
              to the passage?                                  My mother and father don’t like
                                                               fairs. They usually watch us and
              A)  Kelly and Marie hate fairs.
              B)  Linda thinks roller coasters are dull.
              C)  Marie and her sister are enjoying themselves.  According to the passage _____________ .
              D) Jasmine dislikes carousels.                  A)  Ezgi doesn’t like spending time with her brother
                                                              B)  İsmail enjoys ghost trains

                                                              C)  Ezgi’s mother and father think the carousel ride is fun
                                                              D) İsmail likes fairs and spending time with his sister

          2.   Kelly _______________ .

              A)  dislikes spending time with her sister
              B)  hates bumper cars
              C)  loves carousels                         5.   Which of the following does Ezgi like?

              D) thinks bumper cars are exciting              A)                     B)

                                                              C)                     D)

          3.   Which of the following are Marie and her sister
              riding at the moment?
              A)                    B)

                                                          6.   Ezgi _________________ .

              C)                     D)              A)       A)  hates ghost trains
                                                              B)  goes to the fair on Saturdays and Sundays
                                                              C)  thinks the carousel is interesting
                                                              D) usually rides the carousel

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