Page 55 - 8ing_dnm
P. 55


          1.   Bu testte 20 soru vardır.                                          24 DENEME
          2.  Sınav süresi 40 dakikadır.  DENEME SINAVI                          12 SARMAL + 12 GENEL
          3.  Cevaplarınızı, cevap   Adı Soyadı: ..............................................................................................  GENEl
            kağıdına işaretleyiniz.                                                        2
                                 Okulu: ......................................................................................................
                                 Sınıfı: .................................     Numarası: ..............................................


              Zoe:   Hi! Zoe speaking. Is Tracy in? Can I talk to her?
              Mike:  ______________ . I’ll check if she is available.
              Which of the following sentences completes the conversation above?
              A)  Hold on a second                                            B)  Hang up the phone

              C)  I’m afraid she isn’t                                        D) It’s a bad line

          2.   Answer the question according to the table below.

                      P ersonalit y
                          Traits         Fred          Lulu         Dave          Olga
                      adventurous                                                 
                      generous                                       
                      tactful                           
                      sneaky              

                      amusing                                        
                      arrogant            
              Which of the following comments is CORRECT?
              A)  Fred doesn’t like telling lies.                                                          GENEL DENEME 2
              B)  Lulu isn't interested in exciting activities.
              C)  Dave’s friends enjoy spending time with him.
              D) Olga doesn’t like upsetting other people.

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