Page 63 - 8ing_dnm
P. 63
1. Bu testte 20 soru vardır. 24 DENEME
2. Sınav süresi 40 dakikadır. DENEME SINAVI 12 SARMAL + 12 GENEL
3. Cevaplarınızı, cevap Adı Soyadı: .............................................................................................. GENEl
kağıdına işaretleyiniz. 4
Okulu: ......................................................................................................
Sınıfı: ................................. Numarası: ..............................................
1. Answer the question according to the recipe below.
Easy Chocolate Pudding
• Mix the sugar, cocoa and flour in a saucepan.
• Pour the milk into the mixture and stir well.
• Bring to a boil over low heat and keep stirring.
• Cook and stir for 4 minutes.
• Remove the pudding from the heat before you add the vanilla.
• Pour the pudding into two serving dishes.
• Leave the pudding in the refrigerator for an hour before you serve.
Which of the following questions DOES NOT have an answer in the recipe?
A) What are the ingredients of this dessert?
B) When should we add the vanilla?
C) How should we serve the pudding?
D) Where does this dessert belong to?
I live in a small town. There are mountains and hills around
my town. The location of my town worries me because lots
of snow falls down the mountainsides in winter.
What is the name of the natural disaster that Veronica talks about?
A) Drought B) Avalanche C) Tsunami D) Earthquake