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P. 95


          1.   Bu testte 20 soru vardır.                                          24 DENEME
          2.  Sınav süresi 40 dakikadır.  DENEME SINAVI                          12 SARMAL + 12 GENEL
          3.  Cevaplarınızı, cevap   Adı Soyadı: ..............................................................................................  GENEl
            kağıdına işaretleyiniz.                                                       12
                                 Okulu: ......................................................................................................
                                 Sınıfı: .................................     Numarası: ..............................................


                                       What is the most important thing
                                       for you in a true friendship?

                                           Well, in my opinion,
                                           _________________ .
                           Daisy                                               Karen

              Which of the following options DOES NOT complete the conversation?
              A)  true friends should trust each other

              B)  a true friend should be honest and tactful
              C)  being loyal is the most important thing
              D) a true friend should always be sneaky and self-centred


                                         I think the tyre is the most important

                                        The invention of the smartphone
                            Sabrina     changed many things in the world.

                                         In my opinion, the dishwasher is a great
                                         invention. It makes life easier.   Roberto

                                        To me, the solar panel is one of the most
                                        ground-breaking inventions. We can
                           Kathleen     save our planet by using this invention.                           GENEL DENEME 12

              Who is talking about an invention related to transport?

              A)  Sabrina           B)  Roberto            C)  Kathleen           D) Antonio

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