Page 118 - 5_og_5li_ds
P. 118


                                                                dodge ball, but she doesn’t

               Which of the following is NOT correct according to the texts above?

               A)  Lena is interested in indoor games.
               B)  Lena and Sally don’t like playing football.
               C)  Sally likes playing a board game.
               D) Sally enjoys playing only individual games.


               Hi! I am Donald. I am a student in 5  grade at Salsa Secondary School in Brazil. I am always busy on weekdays.
               In the morning, I always get up at 7 o’clock and make my bed. After I wash my face and hands, I have breakfast
               with my parents. Then, I brush my teeth and comb my hair. I get on the school bus at 8 o’clock. I have six lessons
               a day. My school finishes at 15.30. I come back home by school bus and do my homework. Before I feed my pet,
               I go online for an hour. When it is 18.00, my father comes home and we have dinner together.
               Which question has NO answer according to the text above?

               A)  What time does Donald go to bed?
               B)  When does his father get home?
               C)  What does Donald do after he goes online?
               D) How does he go to his school?

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