Page 72 - 5_og_5li_ds
P. 72

7.   Fill in the blank according to the table below.

                                           Henry's Daily Routine
                        take classes at school              08:30 a.m. - 03:00 p.m.
                           play volleyball                       04:00 p.m.
                           arrive home                           05:30 p.m.
                           do homework                           06:15 p.m.
                            have dinner                          07:00 p.m.
                             go online                      08:30 p.m. - 09:45 p.m.
                            go to bed                            10:00 p.m.
               Henry ______.

                A)  plays volleyball in the morning
                B)  finishes his homework before dinner
                C)  goes online in the afternoons
                D)  plays volleyball after he comes home

                  On Sundays, George doesn’t get up early in the morning. He gets out of the bed around ten
                  o’clock. He has a big breakfast with his family at half past ten. Then, he does his homework
                  and goes online. In the afternoon, he goes to the sports club with his dad. His tennis training
                  starts at quarter past twelve and finishes at half past one. He has lunch with his father at a
                  restaurant in the town. In the evening, they have dinner at half past six. After dinner, he plays
                  chess with his mother. Then, he watches TV. His favourite sports programme starts at twenty
                  past eight. He has a shower, reads a book and goes to bed at quarter to ten.

               According to the text, which of the following questions DOES NOT have an answer?

                A)  What time does his tennis training start?
                B)  Does he watch TV on Sundays?
                C)   What does he do after breakfast?
                D)  How many classes a day does he have?

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