Page 118 - 8_og_5li_ds
P. 118

                                                           Free School Lunch
                                                             For Students
                      Menu of
                       Week           Monday       Tuesday    Wednesday     Thursday      Fr day
                                     Mushroom      Vegg e       F sh and    Meatballs  Cheeseburger
                                        Soup        P zza        Fr es
                                                               Steak w th
                                        Sush       Apple P e                Ice Cream     Samosa
                                                              Garl c Sauce

              Marie  : Did you have a look at the lunch menu?
              Daisy  : Yes, I am going to eat at school on ___________ .

              Marie  : Why?
              Daisy  : Because I have a sweet tooth.
              Which of the following completes the conversation?
              A)  Monday and Wednesday                     B)  Tuesday and Thursday
              C)  Wednesday and Thursday                   D) Thursday and Friday

          4.                  I th nk explor ng the world     Explor ng myster ous places  s a great
                              under water and see ng some     pleasure for me. I put on my
                              f sh spec es are magn f cent.   equ pment and cloth ng. I somet mes
                              Water sports are my favor te.   feel scared but  t’s worth  t.

               I would rather do an a r                                           Be ng  n nature makes
               extreme sports because                                             me feel exc ted. I
               watch ng wonderful v ews                                           become both happy
               over the land  s amaz ng.                                          and nervous when I am
                                                                                   n the mounta ns w th
                                                                                  my b ke.

              Which of the following extreme sports DOES NOT match one of the statements above?
              A)  skiing            B)  caving             C)  scuba diving       D) skydiving

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