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P. 123

THE INTERNET | UNIT-5                                                   TEST – 1

          1.                                              3.                Robin is crazy about rap music.
                                                                            In his free time, he goes to
                                                                            concerts  with  his  friends.  He
                                                                            also goes to a guitar course
                  Would you like to join Selena’s surprise party?           near  his  house  at  weekends.
                  My sister is turning 14.
                  Dance, music, games and drinks                            He wants to join a music band
                  At my home                                   after he graduates from his secondary school.
                  At 8 p.m.                                    So, he practices playing  the guitar for two
                  On 18 April, 2021
                                                               hours every day. When he is on the school bus,
                  For more information: Call: 154 54 65        he always listens to his favourite songs by Post
                           PS: Instead of bringing presents,
                           please donate for homeless         Which of the following questions has NO
                           animals at the shelter.
                                                              answer according to the text above?
                                                              A)  Who is his favourite singer?
              Which of the following is NOT correct according
              to the invitation card above?                   B)  What does he do in his free time?
                                                              C)  Does he have a dream about music?
              A)  The party is going to take place at the sender’s home.
                                                              D) What time does he go to the guitar course?
              B)  There is information about the activities of the party.
              C)  If you attend the party, you can listen to songs and
              D) You should bring some gifts for homeless animals.

          2.   Hi, everybody! I am Rose. I have two close friends.   4.   Hi! I am Nick. I am interested in
              They are twins; Mina and Tina. They look like a lot,       music. I can’t think of a better life
              so I sometimes call them with wrong name. Mina             without music. I have tried some
              is always kind and understanding. But she is a little      musical instruments like violin,
              clumsy. Tina is determined and hardworking. But            guitar and piano in my life. I  find
              she  is  sometimes  aggressive  and  stubborn.  We         guitar relaxing and exciting. I can
              can do a lot of things together. Because we have           play it at the school, park or a café.   PRACTICE EXAM
              a lot in common. We all like rap music and playing         But I can’t take the piano anywhere
              badminton. We go to rap concerts together and              to play it. I think piano is not for me.
              sing songs.  We really have fun and solve our              It  is  boring  and  dull.  What  about
              problems together. So, I don’t feel alone. We always       the violin? To me, it is trendy and
              keep our secrets and never tell lies to each other.        exciting.  I can  play  some gothic
              Because we are not friends for one day, but forever.       songs with it.
              According to the text, which of the following is
              NOT correct?                                    Which of the following is NOT correct according
                                                              to the text above?
              A)  Rose, Tina and Mina are reliable and honest friends.
                                                              A)  Guitar is unbearable for Nick to play at home.
              B)  Tina doesn’t change her mind easily and studies
                hard.                                         B)  Violin is trendy and exciting for Nick.
              C)  Mina is not always careful with the objects around.  C)  Nick thinks he is a music lover.
              D) Rose feels lonely when she has some problems.  D) Nick finds violin more exciting than piano.

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