Page 132 - 8oging_sb
P. 132

7.                                               9.   Hi! I am Michael Miracle. I love the adventurous
                         I prefer going rafting in River        sports. When I walk on the rope, I feel like walking
                         Munzur in Tunceli because it is very   in the space. That’s a wonderful feeling. I walked
                         challenging. The river also has a      between two buildings about 60 meters last year.
                         wonderful scenery. It’s fantastic to   I think that was my greatest experience ever. The
                  Sena   raft along the river. You can also do   biggest danger is the wind. When the wind blows,
                         some other activities before or after   you may fall and even die.
                         rafting in Tunceli. You can visit
                         Pertek Castle and try paragliding      Which of the following is CORRECT according
                         there. You can also eat some           to the text above?
                         traditional food like Babuka.          A) Michael loves easy sports.

               Which of the questions has NO answer             B) Michael enjoys challenging sports.
               according to the text above?                     C) Wind helps him walk on the rope.
               A) Why does Sena prefer rafting?                 D) Going to space is his dream.
               B) What can you do in Tunceli?
               C) Where can you try paragliding?
               D) How can she go to Tunceli?                Answer the questions 10-11 according to the text

           8.                                               Bungee jumping is an extreme sport. People jump from
                                                            higher places such as a bridge with an elastic rope tied
                 EXTREME                                    to their ankles to stop them from hitting the ground.
                                  Bob                       The rope is special. When people jump from high, they
                  I th nk sports should be challeng ng. You?  special jacket. Bungee jumping started as a ceremony

                                                            in a small village on South Pentecost Island in Vanuatu.
                                  Tom                      OMAGE have  to  wear  safety  equipment  like  helmets  and  a
                     I guess tak ng photos of an mals  s safer   In this ceremony, the young men jumped from the top
                     than  ce-cl mb ng.                     of a 30 meter-high tree to demonstrate their courage
                                                            as an adult. And from then, it started to become an
                                  Lena                      adventurous sport. People took part in this sport and
                     I th nk  y ng  n a hot-a r balloon  s eas er   it was named bungee jumping. Bungee jumping has
                     than bungee jump ng.
                                                            several dangers. The rope has to be the right size for
                                 Emma                       your weight, or it may break. The safety jacket has to fit
                     To me, raft ng  s more enterta n ng    properly or the force of the drop could cause a person's
                     than cav ng.                           bones to break. Safety means your life.

                                  R ta                      10.  Which of the questions has NO answer
                     I th nk r d ng an elephant  s less         according to the text above?
                     dangerous than paragl d ng.
                                                                A) How did bungee jumping start?
                                                                B) Who was the inventor of this adventurous sport?
                       Type a message
                                                                C) Where did this extreme sport start?
               Which of the following is CORRECT according      D) What happens if you don’t care about the safety?
               to the messages above?

               A) Tom would rather try ice-climbing than take photos   11.  Which of the following is NOT correct according
                  of animals.
                                                                to the passage above?
               B) Lena thinks a hot air balloon ride is more difficult than
                  bungee jumping.                               A) Bungee jumping has no danger.
                                                                B) First, young men tried this sport.
               C) Emma doesn’t prefer water sports to other sports.
                                                                C) Safety is very important for this sport.
               D) Rita finds a sky sport more dangerous than riding an
                  animal.                                       D) Bungee jumping is an adventurous sport..

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