Page 139 - 8oging_sb
P. 139

ADVENTURES | UNIT-6                                                     TEST – 3

                                  Welcome to the “Unseen L ves of People” part on the news! Today, we’ll  ntroduce you
                                  w th  three people l v ng  n great danger at the r work. The f rst one  s Jacob. He works
                                   n caves and m nes. He always has a r sk of los ng h s l fe  n acc dents because he
                                  works f ve hundred meters  below the ground. The next one  s N ck. N ck puts out the
                                  f res and somet mes he jumps  nto the   ames and protects people’s l ves. The last one
                                   s Megan. She acts  n mov es  n dangerous  scenes   nstead of actresses. She takes too
                                  many r sks there. Let’s watch these people and l sten what they say.

              The text above is mainly about _______.
              A)  difficulties of getting a profession     B)  how to earn too much money

              C)  people having risky jobs                 D) success stories of some people

          2.   The Adventurers’  Club shares the number of people doing extreme sports in their sports centre every year.
              This year, they compared the numbers in 2019 with the numbers in 2020. Here are the results:

                          ADVENTURERS’ CLUB IN 2019        ADVENTURERS’ CLUB IN 2020
                                                           Ž  Wind  surfing  is  less  attractive  for  the  people  in
               300                                            2020.                                          NEW GENERA TION TEST
                                                           Ž  Fewer people preferred jumping off a bridge with
               100                                            a rope tied to their ankles in 2020 than in 2019.
                   paragliding windsur ng  bungee  mountain   Ž  Most of the people chose mountain biking in 2020
                                       jumping   biking       because they think it’s cheaper.

                   paragliding             windsur ng      Ž  The  number  of  people  who  would  rather  do
                                                              paragliding in 2019 is the same as that of 2020.
                   bungee jumping          mountain biking

              Which of the following shows the chart of 2020 according to the information above?
              A)                     B)                     C)                     D)
                 450         410        400                    400                    600         530
                 400  350               350  350    310        350         340
                 350                    300                    300                    500  420
                 300                    250   260              250                    400
                 250                                               200
                 200   180              200                    200    150             300   220
                 150                    150      120           150      140           200
                 100                    100                    100
                 50       50            50                      50                    100      80
                 0                      0                       0                     0

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