Page 195 - 8oging_sb
P. 195

CHORES | UNIT-8                                                         TEST – 1

          1.   Jill’s friends are talking about her at the school   3.   Rose   :   Hey, Henry!  Which one do you prefer?
              canteen.                                               Seaside or natural beauties?
              Rana   :   She drove me to the airport when I   Henry  :   I prefer seaside. Muğla is my favourite
                      missed the bus.                                one. I went to Turkey last summer.
              Sally  :   She can’t look at the people’s faces and   Rose    :   What do you think about Muğla? How did
                      she always looks at the floor.                 you find it?

              William  :   I always laugh when she starts talking.   Henry  :  It was incredible. It’s truly a paradise.
                      She tells perfect jokes.
                                                              Rose    :  What did you there?
              Rex    :   She  always talks  about  herself.  She   Henry  :   I swam and sunbathed in the morning and
                      never cares about other people.
                                                                     afternoon. I visited the Castle of Bodrum,
              Which of the following is NOT correct according        Muğla. There were some souvenir shops
              to the speech bubbles above?                           there. I bought some gifts for my friends.
                                                                     I have never seen such a lovely place with
              A)  Rana thinks Jill is a helpful girl.
                                                                     its friendly and hospitable people. I think
              B)  Sally thinks Jill is an understanding one.         everybody should definitely go there.

              C)  William thinks Jill is a funny girl.        Which of the following is NOT mentioned above?
              D) Rex thinks Jill is a selfish girl.           A)                     B)

          2.   Arthur :  Who does grocery shopping at your    C)                     D)
                     home?                               OMAGE
              Daisy  : My mom.
              Arthur : Who sweeps the leaves in your garden?
              Daisy  : I have to do it.
              Arthur : Do you have to tidy your room?
              Daisy  :  Yes, of course. I also must clean my room,
                     too.                                 4.   Metin :  Hi, Sally! How often do you go online?
              Arthur :  Do you have any other tasks at your   Sally    :  Hi, Metin! _____.
                     home?                                    Metin  :  Which websites are your favorite ones?
              Daisy  :  I  have to  hang out  the washing  and   Sally    : _____.                           PRACTICE EXAM
                     prepare breakfast.                       Metin  :   How many hours do you spend on the
              Which of the following is NOT Daisy’s                  Internet?
              responsibility?                                 Sally    : _____.

              A)                    B)                        Metin  :   So, you must be an Internet addict. I
                                                                     suggest you going out with your friends
                                                                     more and being more active in your life.
                                                                     Or, you may have some health problems
                                                                     with your eyes.
              C)                    D)                        Which of the following sentences is NOT
                                                              suitable to complete the conversation?
                                                              A)  Social networking sites   B)  I am always online

                                                              C)  Over five hours a day   D) Via my smartphone

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