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P. 215

SCIENCE | UNIT-9                                                        TEST – 1

          1.                                              3.   Jack had $23. He went to the book fair and paid
                People have different opinions about real     $6 for the ticket. He wants to buy a book with the
                friends. Some say real friends should be      rest of his money. He prefers reading detective
                generous, and they should be helpful to you   books to biographical books. He is also interested
                when you are in need. Some say real friends   in travel books.
                are the ones who are funny because they
                always cheer you up. Some say real friends
                shouldn’t be stubborn or lazy. Maybe they                                JOURNEY DIARIES
                are generous or not, but in my opinion a real
                friend should tell about your mistakes, too.
                A real friend should be honest and helpful.
                Such a friend is a friend indeed.                $6                     $23

              Which of the following is TRUE according to the
              text?                                                                      The Battle

              A)  Real friends have similiar likes and dislikes.                         of Gallipoli
              B)  A true friend is always there when his friend is in need.
              C)  A best friend can be sometimes stubborn or lazy.
                                                                    The Chase
              D) A close friend should only tell about your truths.  $15  of Cr mals    $17

          2.                                                  Which book can he choose?
                                                         OMAGE  A)  The Battle of Gallipoli   B)  Journey Diaries

                                                              C)  The Chase of Criminals
                                                                                        D) Bill Gates

                                                          4.       HOW DO TURKISH PEOPLE COOK THEIR DISHES?

                          Louis Pasteur
               Louis  Pasteur was  a microbiologist and
               chemist from France. He was born in 1822
               and died 1895. He was interested in art and       30%                              10%
               singing when he was a small child. In 1838,
               he went to college and became a science                                                       PRACTICE EXAM
               teacher. He earned degrees in mathematics,
               physics and chemistry. He worked at the            45%                            15%
               University of Strasbourg as a  chemistry
               professor. He developed rabies vaccine with
               another scientist called Emile Roux in 1885.
               His discoveries led to an understanding of
               microbes and diseases.                         Which of the following is CORRECT according
                                                              to the graph above?
              In this text, there is NO information about
              Pasteur's ______.                               A)  Turkish people never boil their dishes.
                                                              B)  The Turks prefer baking dishes to frying them.
              A)  success              B)  life
                                                              C)  Grilling is popular among Turkish people.
              C)  education            D) marriage
                                                              D) Frying is Turkish people’s favorite cooking way.

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