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P. 27

FRIENDSHIP | UNIT-1                                                     TEST – 1

          1.                                              3.


                        Hey, Alice! Are you doing anything      We all have friends in our lives and share lots of
                        tonight?                                things together; however friendship has a different
                                        5:20 PM
                                                                meaning for all the people. Some people think
                         No, not at all. Why are you asking?    that  friends  should  have the  same  hobbies  and
                                        5:21 PM
                                                                interests. For others, they should spend good time
                        There is a rock concert and I           together. In my opinion, a friend should always be
                        suppose you will love it.               with me and encourage me to do something better
                                        5:21 PM
                                                                when I have some troubles. So I always say that
                         That sounds fun. What time does        “Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in
                         it start?      5:23 PM
                        It starts at 10 p.m. If you want, I can
                        pick you up at 9:30.                  Which of the following can be concluded from
                                        5:23 PM
                                                              the text above?
                         Great! See you then.
                                        5:24 PM
                                                              A)  Friends miss a chance to be close in times of trouble.
                          Type a message
                                                              B)  Friends always apologize if they break each other’s heart.
                                                              C)  Friends should depend on each other only in good times.
                                                              D) Friends support each other when they have problems.
              Which of the following is CORRECT according
              to the conversation above?
              A)  Rebecca asks Alice to drive her to the concert place.
              B)  Alice makes an excuse for not going to the concert.  OMAGE

              C)  Alice is not interested in listening to any type of music.  4.   Hi,  there!  I'm Jennifer.  Is everyone  OK?
              D) Rebecca gives Alice some time to decide about the   Today, I want to give you some information
                concert.                                        about my friends. I have a friend group called
                                                                “crazy girls”. We all spend time together for
                                                                the whole week. Susan, Kim, Selen and I are
                                                                in this group. We sometimes have slumber
                                                                parties with the girls and chat for hours.
                                                                When the weather is nice, we have a picnic
                                                                in our garden. We go to the concerts of      PRACTICE EXAM
          2.        H , everyone! I’m R chard. I l ve w th my parents   our  favorite  singers  at  weekends.  Having
                    and s ster  n Wash ngton, the USA. I love all my   friends like them is a great feeling for me!
                    fam ly members a lot. My father, Donald, always
                     supports me when I’m  n trouble. I know that   Which of the following is CORRECT according
                      he’ll back me up all the t me. I share all my   to the text above?
                    secrets w th my mum, Patr c a. She l stens to me
                    day and n ght. I somet mes argue w th my s ster,   A)  Jennifer is describing the personal traits of her
                     H llary, but I usually get on well w th her. We   friends.
                    spend great t me together at home and outs de.
                               I love all of them!            B)  The girls organize some activities together in their
                                                                free time.
              The text above is mainly about ______.          C)  They attach too much importance to making new

              A)  best friends       B)  problems at home       friends.
              C)  an ideal friendship   D) family ties        D) Jennifer is talking about the reasons of having a girl

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