Page 119 - 8og_tum_1_dnm
P. 119
Daniel Cage is an engineer in France. He usually travels to different
countries in the world. So, he buys flight tickets through call centers. Last
week, he wanted to buy a round ticket to Turkey on the seventh of April,
two thousand twenty. He phoned the call center and talked to a man
named Brandon Smith. When he came to the payment part, he took his
credit card and said the first of January, two thousand twenty-three as the
expiry date and eight hundred ninety-one as CVV number.
Which of the following shows the credit card in the text above?
A) B)
C) D)
8. There is an Instagram page for the teenagers named Teens’ Magazine. It always shares new fashion and trends
for the teens. But this time, they asked them their plans for the weekend. About twenty thousand teenagers
answered this question and here are the results:
• The majority of them are going to chat with their mates in a café.
• Less than thirty percent of teens are going to see famous artists’ paintings.
• More than five percent of them have a plan to grill meat outside.
• The rest of them are going to cycle in the city park.
Which of the following shows the results of this Instagram survey according to the information above?
A) B) C) D)
20% 20% 20% 15%
5% 45% 40%
45% 10% 10%
45% 25%
25% 35%
meeting friends visiting an art exhibition having barbecue going for a bike ride