Page 23 - 8tumders_1_dnm
P. 23


               Chocolate Chip Cookies
               ➜ Preheat the oven to 175 °C.
               ➜  Put the butter, white sugar, and brown sugar into a big bowl and mix them.

               ➜  Add the eggs to the mixture and stir.
               ➜ Then put the vanilla into the bowl.
               ➜ Dissolve the baking powder in some hot water.

               ➜  Add the flour, chocolate chips, and nuts to the mixture.
               ➜ Roll the dough into balls.
               ➜  Cook for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven.
               Which of the following questions does NOT have an answer in the recipe?

               A)  What are the ingredients?                 B)  What should I do after preheating the oven?
               C)  How should I serve the cookies?           D) How long should I bake the cookies?

           8.   The two charts below show what people did on the Internet in one minute in the world in 2018 and 2019.

                               200.550        5.7 million         500.550        10 million
                               people         people              people         people
                               watched        shared              watched        shared
                               videos.        photos on           videos.        photos on
                                        2018  Instagram.                    2019  Instagram.
                              560.000                            400.000
                              people       2 million             people       1 million
                              downloaded   people                downloaded   people
                              music.       shopped on            music.       shopped on
                                           the Internet.                      the Internet.

               Which of the following is NOT correct?

               A)  In 2018, most people used a social networking site.
               B)  In 2019, less people went online to buy things than to download music.
               C)  Most people shared pictures in 2019.
               D) Less people downloaded music in 2019 than in 2018.

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