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                                                             Visit only safe
                                              Never share your
                                                password.      websites.

                                                                     Don’t spend
                                       Refuse to get   TO BE SAFE      a lot of
                                       in touch with    ONLINE       time on the

              If you want to be safe online, you should _______________ .
              Which option does NOT complete the blank above?

              A)  stay away from dangerous websites        B)  communicate with strangers
              C)  have control over your Internet usage    D) keep your password secret

          6.   Avery    : Hi! Avery speaking. Is Nash home?
              Max       : Sorry, but he has gone out with his friends.

              Avery     : I am his colleague. Can I leave a message?
              Max       : Sure.
              Avery     : Could you please tell him to call me as soon as possible? It’s important.

              Max       : Sure. I’ve taken a note.
              Which one can be Max's note?
              A)                     B)                     C)                    D)
                 Nash,                  Nash,                  Nash,                 Nash,

                 Your friend, Avery,    Avery, your friend     Avery from work left   Your colleague, Avery,
                 called you when you    from work, called and   a message for you.   called when you
                 were out. She will call   she sent a message   She wants to go out   were out. Contact her
                 you back again.        to you. Check your     with you as soon as   immediately when
                 Max                    message box.           possible.             you get back home. I

                                        Max                    Max                   think it’s urgent.

                         Hi! I’m Martin. I am a student in Milan. I enjoy spending time
                         with my friends. We are a group of 5 buddies. Frank, Robert,
                         Leonardo, Danny and me. All of us have different characteristics.
                         Frank is a funny boy. He always makes us laugh. Robert doesn’t
                         like jokes and he is never late to anywhere. Leonardo never tells
                         lies even for a joke. Danny always backs us up when we need
                         him. Everybody gets on well with him.                    Mart n                   GENEL DENEME 20

              According to the information above, who is supportive?

              A)  Frank             B)  Robert             C)  Leonardo           D) Danny

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