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4                                 İNGİLİZCE

                                  SINAVLA ÖĞRENCİ ALACAK ORTAÖĞRETİM

                                    KURUMLARINA İLİŞKİN DENEME SINAVI

                                                Bu testte 10 soru vardır.
                                          Cevaplarınızı, cevap kağıdına işaretleyiniz.

          1.   New Ema l From:        2.               In my town, teenagers usually
                                         have different preferences, but
                  Party                                                    most of them  listen to music.
               Dear Jessica,                                               Rap and pop music are very
               thank you for inviting me to your party.            Jack    popular among them.  They
                                                                           like going to concerts at the
                I’m so sorry, but I can’t join the party                   weekend. Reading books is the
               because I have a very important school          second popular activity for the teenagers of my
               project to finish.                              town. Most teenagers prefer reading fantasy
               I hope to see soon.                             and detective books.  They generally don’t
               Have a great time.                              prefer biographical books. Camping is the next
               Best wishes,                                    popular activity. They're keen on being close to
               Nora                                            nature.  Going to the theatre isn’t common in
                                                               my town. Only a few teenagers prefer seeing

              What can we say about email above?              Choose the correct chart according to the text.
              A)  Jessica is the sender.
                                                               A)                 B)
              B)  Nora invites Jessica to her party.
                                                                    Mus c              Theatre
              C)  Jessica will definitely join the party.
                                                                 Theatre             Mus c     Camp ng
                                                                         Camp ng
              D) Nora refuses Jessica’s invitation.
                                                                   Books                Books

                                                               C)                 D)

                                                                    Books              Camp ng

                                                                           Theatre              Mus c
                                                                 Camp ng             Theatre
                                                                     Mus c               Books

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