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5                                 İNGİLİZCE

                                  SINAVLA ÖĞRENCİ ALACAK ORTAÖĞRETİM

                                    KURUMLARINA İLİŞKİN DENEME SINAVI

                                                Bu testte 10 soru vardır.
                                          Cevaplarınızı, cevap kağıdına işaretleyiniz.

          1.   Judy invites four of her friends for a picnic   2.          I like listening to music in my
              tomorrow. However, all of them refuse the                    free time. I’m keen on classical
              invitation with a reason.                                    music. I think it’s harmonic and
                                                                           relaxing. I never listen to rock
              Jack   :  I’m so sorry, but I’m going to a concert           music because it’s unbearable.
                      with my cousin. We can have a picnic         Kate    I always read books in the
                      next week.                                           evening. Fantasy books and
              Pauline  :  That would be great, but my brother   travel books are my favourite. I’m not interested
                      is going to compete in a bowling         in biographical books. I don’t like fashion, so I
                                                               always wear casual clothes. I go camping with
                      tournament. I need to support him.       my friends every summer. It’s fun and exciting
              Melinda :  I love picnics, you know that. I can’t join   to sit around a campfire at night.
                      you  this  time because there  is  a  book   Kate ______________ .
                      fair. I must go there with my teachers.
                                                              Which option completes the sentence
              Rodrigo :  I’d love to, but I’m really busy tomorrow.   according to the text?
                      I’m going to visit an art exhibition with
                      my sister.                              A)  can’t stand rock music

              Which picture has a connection with Pauline’s   B)  thinks fantasy books are ridiculous
              reason?                                         C)  is fond of biographical books
              A)                                B)            D) usually wears trendy clothes


              C)                                D)

                                                              Iris  :  I always prefer eating seafood. Sushi is my
                                                                    favourite seafood dish.
                                                              Gary :  I’m  really  hungry.  I want  to  cook  some
                                                                    delicious meatballs.
                                                              Jane :  I never prefer salty and fatty dishes. Today,
                                                                    I’d like to make some lentil soup.
                                                              Ken  :  I’m fond of spicy food, so I’m going to eat
                                                                    some mini tacos.

                                                              Who needs the ingredients in the picture?
                                                              A)  Iris                  B)  Gary
                                                              C)  Jane                  D) Ken

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