Page 163 - 8_sf_Nar_Tanesi_5li_Genel_Deneme
P. 163
9. 10. I think will have a serious
disaster soon because
our region is close to the
Atlantic Ocean and the
Pacific Ocean. There are
usually some powerful
tropical storms with heavy rain. People
need to take all the necessary precautions
to keep safe.
Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany and Which picture shows the disaster that Emma is
died in 1955 in America. He was a great theoretical talking about?
physicist. Some people think that he was one of A) B)
the smartest scientists in history. He became
interested in maths and physics at a very early
age. He loved playing the violin and the piano.
When he was five years old, his father gave him
a compass. It was his best toy. Albert Einstein
spent most of his childhood in Munich, Germany.
He moved to America in 1933. As a physicist, he C) D)
had brilliant theories and discoveries about light,
matter, gravity and space. The Theory of Relativity
was his most famous scientific achievement. He
got married twice and had three children.
Choose the best title for the text.
A) Albert Einstein and His Childhood
B) Albert Einstein’s Life
C) Albert Einstein’s Education
D) Albert Einstein and His Experiments
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