Page 63 - 8_sf_Nar_Tanesi_5li_Genel_Deneme
P. 63

9.   Some inventions and discoveries changed our   10.
               lives completely. (I) For example, Thomas Edison
               invented the first light bulb. Now we use light
               bulbs everywhere. Scottish inventor James Watt
               created the steam engine between 1763 and
               1775. (II) It was a very useful invention for trains,
               ships and factories. Alexander Graham Bell was
               the inventor of the first practical telephone. (III) He
               didn’t make communication easier in the world.
               Alexander Fleming discovered the penicillin to
               cure infectious bacterial diseases. (IV) It was the
               beginning of antibiotics.
               Which sentence is NOT suitable to complete
               the text?
               A)  I       B)  II     C)  III    D) IV

                                                                      An underwater earthquake caused a
                                                                    tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2014. The
                                                                   magnitude of the earthquake was 9.1. The
                                                                   disaster affected more than ten countries,
                                                                    killed over 200,000 people and destroyed
                                                                     lots of houses.  It was one of the most
                                                                     destructive natural disasters in history.

                                                                Which question is NOT answered in the text?
                                                                A)  How many injuries were there?

                                                                B)  What was the name of the disaster?
                                                                C)  Did the disaster cause any damage?
                                                                D) How many people lost their lives in the disaster?

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