Page 22 - 8_Sf_5li_ Genel_ Den_Sampiyon
P. 22


                                        In 1834, Amer can
                                           nventor Jacob      Alexander Graham         Joseph ne
                  Ajay Bhatt  nvented    Perk ns  nvented      Bell  nvented the    Cochrane  nvented
                   the USB  n 1996.                                                     the f rst
                                             the f rst        telephone  n 1876.
                                           refr gerator.                               d shwasher.

              Whose invention is related to communication?
              A)  Ajay Bhatt’s
              B)  Jacob Perkins’
              C)  Alexander Graham Bell’s

              D) Josephine Cochrane’s


                            Mart n  s a respons ble boy. He helps her mother and father w th the household chores.
                            He  s  n charge of an outdoor chore, a garden chore and wash ng the d rty clothes at
                            home. The l sts below show chore l sts at Mart n’s house.

                wash ng the d shes     mow ng the lawn       cook ng the lunch      sett ng the table
                  t dy ng up toys       do ng shopp ng      sweep ng the leaves      pay ng the b lls
                water ng the plants    do ng the laundry       prepar ng the      dust ng the furn ture

                      L st I                L st II               L st III              L st IV

              Which list can be Martin’s chore list?
              A)  List I            B)  List II            C)  List III           D) List IV

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