Page 12 - 8meta_ing
P. 12


            FRIENDSHIP                                                                              VOCABULARY – 3


            accept     : kabul etmek                                                 bring      : getirmek
            refuse     : reddetmek                                                   attend     : katılmak
            explain     : açıklamak                                                  miss       : kaçırmak, özlemek
            apologise   : özür dilemek                                               involve     : içermek, kapsamak
            support   : desteklemek                                                  buy        : satın almak
            trust      : güvenmek                                                    study      : ders çalışmak
            mind       : önemsemek                                                   discuss     : tartışmak
            chit-chat   : sohbet etmek                                               invite     : davet etmek
            visit      : ziyaret etmek                                               spend      : harcamak
            attract     : ilgi çekmek                                                sound      : (kulağa) gibi gelmek
            argue      : tartışmak                                                   suppose   : farz etmek
            share      : paylaşmak                                                   join       : katılmak
            watch      : izlemek                                                     hope       : ummak, umut etmek
            meet       : buluşmak

                Exercise 1     Fill in the blanks with the verbs below.

                              support             watch               visit              study

                                share              argue             chit-chat            join

                1.   Good friends always ____________ each other when they are in need.

                2.   Helen and Wilma ____________ a lot in class so our teacher sometimes warns them to listen to the lesson.
                3.   Best friends sometimes ____________ but they usually get on well.

                4.   In my summer holidays, I ____________ my grandparents and stay at their home.
                5.   We ____________ thriller movies as a family on Sundays.
                6.   Drake and Josh want to ____________ a language course together.

                7.   I count on Teresa because she doesn’t ____________ my secrets with anyone.
                8.   Gail is a hardworking student so I want to ____________ with her for my exam.

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