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           FRIENDSHIP                                                                             VOCABULARY – 1

                                                     Personality Traits
                                                     (Kişisel Özellikler)

                GOOD FRIENDS are ...                                                  BAD FRIENDS are ...

                             honest         :  dürüst                  selfish         :  bencil
                             generous       :  cömert                  self-centered    :  bencil
                             reliable        :  güvenilir              unreliable      :  güvenilmez
                             supportive      :  destekleyici           sneaky         :  sinsi
                             tactful         :  düşünceli              jealous         :  kıskanç
                             helpful         :  yardımsever            arrogant        :  kibirli
                             kind           :  kibar                   aggressive      :  agresif
                             polite         :  kibar                   bad-tempered  :  aksi / huysuz
                             loyal          :  sadık                   mean           :  cimri / kaba
                             understanding  :  anlayışlı               snob           :  kendini beğenmiş / züppe

                SOME FRIENDS are ...

          determined  :  kararlı                             adventurous :  maceraperest
          serious     :  ciddi                               stubborn     :  inatçı
          laid-back    :   rahat / gevşek                    funny       :  eğlenceli

              Exercise 1     Fill in the blanks with the words below.

                       honest                   generous                   serious                  stubborn

                      unreliable                  snob                     polite                   laid-back

                1.   Jayson always shares my secrets with his friends. He is _________ .
                2.   Betty never tells lies. She is a / an _________ girl.

                3.   I don’t like making jokes. My friends think I am _________ .
                4.   Vernon thinks he is the best in this world. I think he is a / an  _________ .
                5.   To me, Helen is a / an _________ person because she is relaxed in manner and character.
                6.   My sister is a very _________ girl. She doesn’t change her mind easily.

                7.   He is a very _________ boy. He always says please when he asks something.
                8.   Derrick always shares his food with his classmates. He is _________ .

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