Page 131 - 8meta_ing
P. 131


           ADVENTURES                                                                             VOCABULARY – 4

                                                 Adjectives (Sıfatlar)

           amusing          :  eğlenceli                        mysterious  :  gizemli
           boring           :  sıkıcı                           popular     :  popüler
           challenging      :  zorlu                            comfortable  :  rahat
           disappointing    :  hayal kırıklığına uğratıcı       ambitious    :  hırslı
           entertaining     :  eğlenceli                        fearless     :  korkusuz
           exciting         :  heyecan verici                   scientific     :  bilimsel
           fascinating      :  büyüleyici                       stressful     :  stresli

           interesting      :  ilginç                           magnificent  :  büyüleyici
           risky            :  riskli                           wonderful   :  müthiş
           nervous          :  gergin                           great       :  büyük
           afraid           :  korkmuş                          each        :  her
           experienced      :  tecrübeli                        outdoor     :  açık hava
           inexperienced    :  tecrübesiz                       indoor      :  kapalı mekan
           adventurous      :  maceralı                         aerobatic    :  hava akrobasisi
           amazing          :  şaşırtıcı                        acrobatic     :  akrobatik
           easy             :  kolay                            included     :  dahil

           dangerous        :  tehlikeli

              Exercise 1       Match the adjectives with their definitions.

                        1.  exc t ng                               funny and enjoyable

                        2.   ndoor                                 extremely  nterest ng

                        3. acrobat c                               caus ng great enthus asm and eagerness

                        4. stressful                               large  n amount, s ze or degree
 1.   Don’t feel happy / embarrassed. It is very normal to make mistakes.
 2.   Your phone seems very expensive / local. How much does it cost you?   5. enterta n ng              full of exc tement and often dangerous

 3.   Tahani is a scared / lovely girl. Everybody likes her.   6. fasc nat ng               happen ng, used or ex st ng  ns de a bu ld ng
 4.   I have to go because my teacher is calling. It must be important / smart.
                        7. adventurous                              nvolv ng d   cult and attract ve body movements
 5.   We wait for your response as soon as useful / possible.
                        8. great                                   mak ng you feel worr ed and nervous
 6.   It’s a bad line. Could you speak louder / cooler, please?

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