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P. 133


           ADVENTURES                                                                             VOCABULARY – 5

                                                      Verbs (Fiiller)

           fly         :  uçmak                                 improve     :  geliştirmek
           succeed     :  başarmak                              break       :  kırmak
           perform     :  gösteri yapmak                        survive      :  hayatta kalmak
           explore     :  keşfetmek                             reach       :  ulaşmak
           need        :  ihtiyaç duymak                        protect     :  korumak
           require      :  gerekmek                             describe     :  betimlemek / tanımlamak
           wear        :  giymek                                become      :  olmak

           check       :  kontrol etmek                         slow down  :  yavaşlamak
           carry       :  taşımak                               move        :  hareket etmek
           seem        :  görünmek                              produce     :  üretmek
           experience  :  tecrübe etmek                         land        :  iniş yapmak
           try         :  denemek                               vary        :  çeşitlilik göstermek

              Exercise 1       Fill in the blanks with the verbs below.

                   land      improved      varies       check         try       succeeded     survive             move

               1.   Skydivers open their parachute to slow down before they _____________ .
               2.   The first Turkish person _____________ to fly is Hazarfen Ahmed Çelebi.

               3.   Would you like to _____________ paragliding this summer?
               4.   The value of the products _____________ from month to month in a year.

               5.   Motor-racing is a very dangerous extreme sport. The cars in the race _____________ very fast.
               6.   Trees are very important because they provide oxygen for us and without oxygen, we can’t
                   _____________ in the world.

               Exercise 2    Find the missing letters.

                                      1    V   ...  R    ...

                                      2   ...  X    ...   E    R   ...   E    ...  ...  E

                                      3    P   ...  ...   F   ...   R    ...

                                      4   ...   E   ...   O    M    ...

                                      5   C    ...   E    ...  K

                                      6    ...  R   O     ...  E    ...  T

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