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P. 137


           ADVENTURES                                                                            VOCABULARY TEST

          For these questions : 1 – 13, choose the best option   7.   My dream is being  a / an ____________ in the future.
          to fill in the blanks.                                     Because being the leader of an aerobatic team is amazing.

          1.   Being a call center specialist ____________ very easy, but   A)  squadron commander   B)  stuntman
              it is a stressful job. You feel very tired and angry at the end   C)  police officer   D) farmer
              of the day.
              A)  seems             B)  becomes
              C)  breaks            D) varies                    8.   If it is your first time with an extreme sport, you should
                                                                     experience it with a / an ____________ .

                                                                     A)  call center specialist   B)  instructor
          2.   I prefer going caving in summers because ____________   C)  farmer           D) dietician
              mysterious places makes me feel excited.
              A)  improving         B)  protecting

              C)  exploring         D) describing                9.   To me, being an electrician is more ____________ than
                                                                     being a farmer because it’s risky.

                                                                     A)  dangerous          B)  afraid
                                                                     C)  aerobatic          D) comfortable
          3.   The speed of the jets during the manoeuvres ____________
              between 250 km and 1000 km.
              A)  produces          B)  wearing                  10.  Albert Einstein is a well-known ___________ . He formulated
                                                                     his Theory of Relativity.
              C)  tries             D) varies
                                                                     A)  teacher            B)  astronaut
                                                                     C)  scientist          D) electrician

          4.   I would rather go hang-gliding than scuba diving because
              it is very ____________ to watch the land from the air.  11.  Japan’s aircraft industry ____________  a lot in the 20 th

              A)  boring            B)  amusing                      century after the World War II.
              C)  disappointing     D) easy                          A)  checked            B)  improved
                                                                     C)  broke              D) protected

          5.   In all-inclusive hotels, catering and accommodation is
              ____________ in the price.                         12.  You need a spray skirt, a helmet, a life jacket, and a paddle
              A)  district          B)  land                         for ____________ .
              C)  included          D) backup                        A)  canoeing           B)  bungee-jumping
                                                                     C)  kayaking           D) rafting

          6.   Rita does sports to ____________ more healthy.    13.  Skydiving seems dangerous, however there are only a few
                                                                     ____________ yearly.
              A)  carry             B)  survive
                                                                     A)  accidents          B)  pairs
              C)  become            D) need
                                                                     C)  professions        D) members

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