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P. 165


           TOURISM                                                                            GRAMMAR & DIALOGUE TEST

          1-5: For these questions, choose the best option to fill in   6-15 : For these questions, choose the best option to fill
          the blanks according to the text.                      in the blanks.

              I (1) __________ to the capital of the People’s    6.   This peninsula is the most incredible place I have ever
              Republic  of China,  Beijing. It  is famous  for  its   __________ .
              historic places. I have (2)__________  the Great       A)  saw                B)  see
              Wall, Ming Tombs, Summer Palace, but I haven’t
              seen  Tiananmen Square (3)__________ . I’m             C)  seen               D) sees
              planning to go there tomorrow. Beijing is one
              of the most popular tourist destinations in the
              world. Tourists prefer it because with its historical
              places, local foods and nightlife; it offers the
              most fascinating holiday you (4)__________ ever
              (5)___________ .

                                                                 7.   Linda  : __________ you __________ been to Datça?

                                                                     Zach   : Yes, I have.
                                                                     A)  Has / ever         B)  Have / never
          1.   A) am             B) have been                        C)  Has / never        D) Have / ever
              C) been            D) has been

          2.   A) visited        B) visit                        8.   Betty : Has she ever travelled with a group?
              C) visits          D) visiting                         Marie : No, __________ .

                                                                     A)  she hasn’t         B)  she have
                                                                     C)  she haven’t        D) she has

          3.   A) yet            B) already
              C) just            D) for

                                                                 9.   Will    : __________
          4.   A) has            B) have                             Kylie : I have been to Gaziantep and Osmaniye.
              C) having          D) had
                                                                     A)  Have your ever gone abroad?
                                                                     B)  Where have you been to in Turkey?
                                                                     C)  How can I go to Turkey?

                                                                     D) Have you ever been to Turkey?
          5.   A) experience     B) to experience
              C) experienced     D) experiencing

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