Page 217 - 8meta_ing
P. 217
Nouns (İsimler)
forest : orman survivor : hayatta kalan product : ürün
result : sonuç municipality : belediye sheet : yaprak ( kağıt )
reason : sebep deforestation : ormansızlaşma side : taraf
planet : gezegen amount : miktar paper : kağıt
glacier : buzul value : değer rubbish : çöp
rainforest : yağmur ormanı substance : madde balance : denge
extinction : soy tükenmesi land : kara magnitude : büyüklük ( deprem )
storm : fırtına air : hava wave : dalga
living : canlı water : su generation : jenerasyon / nesil
source : kaynak supply : malzeme damage : zarar
destruction : yıkım resource : kaynak coast : sahil
photosynthesis : fotosentez environment : çevre trash : çöp
precaution : önlem lung : akciğer shortage : kıtlık
responsibility : sorumluluk rate : oran study : çalışma
topic : konu temperature : sıcaklık source : kaynak
injured : yaralı disaster : felaket data : bilgi
Exercise 1 Fill in the blanks with the nouns below.
extinction magnitude shortage destruction
precautions environment temperature resources
1. I believe if we take ________________ individually, it will be significant as a whole.
2. Global warming causes the ________________ of some animals and plant species.
3. The ________________ of the earthquake was 8.7. It was truly huge.
4. I think we will have a water ________________ in the future because we waste water sources irresponsibly.
5. Schools should educate their students to use the ________________ of the world carefully.
6. We should protect the ________________ and we shouldn’t pollute it.
7. A little increase in ________________ causes huge disasters for the whole world.
8. According to the last studies, nearly %60 of the rainforests will be disappeared by 2040. Because people cause
enormous ________________ on nature.