Page 220 - 8meta_ing
P. 220


             NATURAL FORCES                                                                         VOCABULARY – 5

                                      Verbs & Verb Phrases (Fiiller & Deyimler)

           destroy  :  yıkmak            recycle     :  geri dönüşüm yapmak  heat up              :  ısınmak

           cause    :  sebep olmak       leave      :  ayrılmak              suffer from          :  sıkıntısını çekmek
           melt     :  erimek            use        :  kullanmak             cool down            :  soğumak
           decrease  :  azalmak          protect     :  korumak              become extinct        : nesli tükenmek

           release   :  salınmak / salmak  warn     :  uyarmak               cope with             :  başa çıkmak
           change   :  değişmek          hit        :  vurmak                take precaution       :  önlem almak
           adapt    :  uyum sağlamak     reach      :  ulaşmak               shoulder responsibility :  sorumluluk üstlenmek

           waste    :  israf etmek       throw away  :  atmak                look for             :  aramak
           educate  :  eğitmek           lose       :  kaybetmek             slow down            :  yavaşlamak
           disappear :  yok olmak        approach   :  yaklaşmak             run out              :  tükenmek

           provide  :  sağlamak          threaten    :  tehdit etmek         cut down             :  kesmek
           save     :  kurtarmak         erupt      :  püskürmek / patlamak  switch off           :  kapatmak

           plant    :  dikmek            reduce     :  azalmak               turn off             :  kapatmak
           produce  :  üretmek           explain     :  açıklamak            pay attention        :  dikkat etmek
           pollute   :  kirletmek        witness    :  tanıklık etmek        get worse            :  kötüye gitmek

           increase  :  artmak           underline   :  vurgulamak           get narrow           :  daralmak
           damage  :  zarar vermek       include     :  içermek
           create   :  yaratmak          affect     :  etkilemek

               Exercise 1      Circle the correct choice in each sentence.

                  1.   People have caused global warming by releasing / decreasing heat-trapping gases. Because of global warming,
                      glaciers are melting / changing.
                  2.   If you look / explain for food shortage, you should visit African countries.

                  3.   You should turn off / run out the lights when you leave the room.
                  4.   When the last tree is cut down /cool down people will understand they can’t eat money.

                  5.   The agricultural areas will get / suffer narrow in the future because of erosions and floods.
                  6.   We should shoulder / provide responsibilities to save the world.
                  7.   An enormous hurricane is erupting / approaching to the coast of Hawaii.

                  8.   If we keep wasting resources irresponsibly, all of them will switch / run out one day.

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