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UNIT 5 - THE INTERNET UNIT 6 - ADVENTURES 5. backup, 6. courage, 7. nature, 8. fall
Exercise 3
Vocabulary 1; Exercise 1 Vocabulary 1; Exercise 1 1. profession, 2. bravery, 3. abroad, 4. transportation
1. personal, 2. unknown, 3. dangerous 1. COALMINER, 2. FARMER, 3. ELECTRICIAN 5. person, 6. occupation, 7. views, 8. nature
4. busy, 5. multiplayer, 6. secret 4. AIRTRAFFICCONTROLLER, 5. STUNTMAN Exercise 4
1. jet, 2. extreme sport, 3. nature, 4. location
1. addicted, 2. necessary, 3. offline, 4. foreign Exercise 2 5. track, 6. accident, 7. finish line, 8. plane
5. broken, 6. Recent 1. stuntman, 2. call center specialist Grammar 1; Exercise 1
Vocabulary 2; Exercise 1 3. squadron commander, 4. Window cleaners
1. going – go , 2. than – to , 3. to - than
1. notification, 2. browser, 3. password, 4. post 5. scientist, 6. police officer
4. go - going, 5. Do - Would, 6. than – to
5. screen, 6. keyboard, 7. comment, 8. attachment Vocabulary 2; Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Exercise 2 1. SCUBADIVING, 2. SKYDIVING, 3. CANOEING 1. would rather, 2. would rather, 3. going / to
1. addict, 2. connection, 3. communication 4. MOTORRACING, 5. RAFTING, 6. BUNGEEJUMPING
4. would / prefer, 5. prefer, 6. would rather
4. fashion, 5. usage, 6. combination Exercise 2
Exercise 3
7. articles, 8. information 1. skiing, 2. scuba-diving, 3. skydiving 1. prefer, 2. would rather, 3. Would / rather
Exercise 3 4. hang-gliding, 5. rafting, 6. mountain biking 4. would rather, 5. prefers, 6. prefer
1. relationships, 2. opinion, 3. notification, 4. course Vocabulary 3; Exercise 1
5. series, 6. request, 7. letters, 8. picture 1. wetsuit, 2. parachute, 3. goggles, 4. gloves Grammar 2; Exercise 1
Exercise 4 5. wrist guards, 6. spray skirt, 7. paddle, 8. helmet 1. more challenging, 2. more amusing, 3. easier
1. browser, 2. recipes, 3. news, 4. subscribers Exercise 2 4. more comfortable, 5. more dangerous
5. websites, 6. password, 7. identities, 8. rules 1. caving, 2. mountain-biking, 3. scuba-diving
6. more amazing, 7. more entertaining
Vocabulary 3, Exercise 1 4. hang-gliding, 5. kayaking, 6. motor-racing 8. healthier
1. obey, 2. downloading / check, 3. register / confirm Vocabulary 4; Exercise 1 Exercise 2
4. send, 5. comments, 6. upload 5 – 6 – 1 – 8 – 7 – 2 – 3 – 4 1. more interesting than, 2. more amazing
Exercise 2 Exercise 2
3. easier, 4. braver, 5. more fascinating
1. accept, 2. Avoid, 3. use, 4. mean, 5. log in 6. more successful, 7. less stressful, 8. more challenging
6. allow, 7. surf READING; Exercise 1
Grammar 1, Exercise 1 1. F, 2. NG, 3. T, 4. NG, 5. F, 6. NG, 7. F, 8. F
1. What do you mean? Exercise 2
2. Can you explain it more, please? 1. Performing acrobatic movements in a free fall and
3. Sorry, I can’t follow you. feeling the adrenaline in the sky are the best parts
4. What do you mean by that exactly? of skydiving.
5. Do you mean my account? 2. Because he thinks he has a routine working life and
he should spend his time very well on the holiday.
6. What does it mean? 3. A flight suit, two parachutes and comfortable
7. I mean the Internet connection. 1. wonderful, 2. afraid, 3. scientific shoes.
8. Can you explain what it means? 4. comfortable, 5. boring, 6. challenging 4. A fascinating flying experience for real adventurers.
Grammar 2; Exercise 1 Exercise 3 Exercise 3
Accepting 1. popular, 2. ambitious, 3. dangerous, 4. mysterious 1. C, 2. C, 3. D
That sounds awesome. 5. inexperienced, 6. risky, 7. amusing, 8. amazing UNIT 7 - TOURISM
It would be great. Vocabulary 5; Exercise 1
Yes, sure. 1. land, 2. succeeded, 3. try, 4. varies, 5. move, 6. survive Vocabulary 1; Exercise 1
That sounds good. Exercise 2 1. countryside, 2. lake, 3. bridge, 4. fountain
That’s a good idea. 1. VARY, 2. EXPERIENCE, 3. PERFORM, 4. BECOME 5. historic site, 6. palace, 7. urban place, 8. seaside
Awesome idea. 5. CHECK, 6. PROTECT Exercise 2
Refusing Exercise 3 1. tomb, 2. museum, 3. palace, 4. lake
I’m sorry, but I must do homework. 1. explore, 2. require, 3. protect, 4. carry 5. square, 6. cave, 7. mosque, 8. shrine
That’s not a good idea. 5. wear, 6. experience, 7. perform 8. fly Exercise 3
I’m really busy. Exercise 4 1. CARAVANSARY, 2. SHRINE, 3. SQUARE
READING; Exercise 1 1. become, 2. seem, 3. reach, 4. describe 4. MUSEUM, 5. TURKISH BATH, 6. CASTLE
1. F, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. F, 6. T, 7. T, 8. T 5. slow down, 6. need, 7. broke, 8. produces Vocabulary 2; Exercise 1
Exercise 2 Vocabulary 6; Exercise 1 1. historical, 2. worldwide, 3. cheap
a) website, b) virus, c) surfing, d) dangerous, 4 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 6 - 3 - 2 4. southern, 5. warm, 6. lovely
e) believe, f) download Exercise 2 Exercise 2
Exercise 3 1. catering, 2. aim, 3. adventurer, 4. location 1. inner, 2. attractive, 3. natural, 4. unbelievable
1. C, 2. A, 3. C