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3. arrive – arrived, 4. helped – help  2. WEATHER CONDITION
           5. change – changed , 6. invent – invented   3. GLOBAL WARMING
           READING; Exercise 1                  4. BOTTLED WATER
           1. T, 2. F, 3. T, 4. T, 5. T, 6. F, 7. F, 8. T   5. SEA LEVEL
           Exercise 2                           6. WATER SHORTAGE
           1. important, 2. changed, 3. works on, 4. discoverer  Vocabulary 5; Exercise 1
           5. scientists, 6. Few, 7. scientific, 8. actions  1. releasing / melting, 2. look, 3. turn off
           Exercise 3                           4. cut down, 5. get, 6. shoulder, 7. approaching, 8. run
           1. C, 2. A, 3. C                     Grammar; Exercise 1
                                                1. will, 2. won’t, 3. will run, 4. will be
                UNIT 10 - NATURAL FORCES        5. will have, 6. will decrease
           Vocabulary 1; Exercise 1             Exercise 2
           1. volcano, 2. erosion, 3. earthquake, 4. drought  1. because, 2. because / otherwise, 3. so
           5. flood, 6. tornado                 4. because, 5. and, 6. but / So
           Exercise 2                           Exercise 3
           1. erosion, 2. tsunami, 3. hurricane, 4. landslide  1. so, 2. but, 3. otherwise, 4. but, 5. because, 6. so
           5. avalanche, 6. earthquake          READING
           Vocabulary 2; Exercise 1             Exercise 1
           1. rechargeable, 2. bottled, 3. harmful, 4. misused  1. F, 2. T, 3. NG, 4. T, 5. F, 6. F, 7. T, 8. F
           5. renewable, 6. dirty               Exercise 2
           Exercise 2                           1.  Water shortage, extreme weather conditions
                                                such as more intense storms, more rain, and drier
           1. ENORMOUS, 2. LOCAL, 3. DRY, 4. POWERFUL
                                                droughts, extinction of most of  the animals and
           5. SPECIFIC, 6. WIDESPREAD           plant species.
           Vocabulary 3; Exercise 1             2.  By  releasing heat-trapping  gases  to the
           1. precautions, 2. extinction, 3. magnitude  atmosphere.
           4. shortage, 5. resources, 6. environment  3. Because they can absorb harmful gases.
           7. temperature, 8. destruction       Exercise 3
           Exercise 2                           1. C, 2. D, 3. A
           1. studies, 2. balance, 3. reasons, 4. Forests
           5. amount, 6. rate, 7. value, 8. responsibilities
           9. generations
           Exercise 3
           1. sheet, 2. deforestation, 3. planet, 4. glacier
           5. rainforest, 6. storm, 7. coast, 8. trash
           Exercise 4

           Vocabulary 4; Exercise 1
           1. earthquake emergency kit
           2. agricultural areas
           3. Climate change
           4. water shortage
           5. natural forces
           6. rechargeable batteries
           Exercise 2
           1. NATURAL FORCE

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