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           IN THE KITCHEN                                                                         VOCABULARY – 6

                                      Nouns, Noun & Adjective Phrases
                                     (İsimler, İsim & Sıfat Tamlamaları)


          cuisine    : mutfak (Türk mutfağı ... vb)   ingredient  : içerik / malzeme
          meal / dish  : yemek                        process     : süreç

          experience  : deneyim                       fridge      : buzdolabı
          step       : adım                           mixture     : karışım
          guest      : misafir                        place       : yer

          method     : yöntem                         gastronomy  : yemek sanatı
                                                      department  : bölüm
          preparation  : hazırlık
                                                      piece       : parça
          workshop    : çalıştay / seminer
                                                      pinch       : tutam
          tip / clue     : ipucu
                                                      clove       : diş ( sarımsak )
          halve      : yarım
          field      : alan
                                                           Noun / Adjective Phrases
          bread      : ekmek
          walnut     : ceviz                          professional life  : mesleki yaşam

          soup       : çorba                          cooking method  : yemek pişirme metodu
          pasta      : makarna                        fruit salad       : meyve salatası
          cookie     : kurabiye                       lemon juice     : limon suyu

          salad      : salata                         vegetable soup  : sebze çorbası
          pancake    : krep                           sweet tooth     : tatlıya düşkünlük

          recipe     : tarif                          Culinary Art     : yemek pişirme sanatı

              Exercise 1     Put the letters into the correct order to find the words.

                                                                                      Bir  tarif  (recipe)  iki  temel unsur  içerir:
               1.   Tex-Mex ___________ (uniecis) is very famous in this city.        ingredients (içindekiler) ve process
               2.   Samosa is a traditional ___________ (ishd) in India.
               3.   We have a ___________ (utsge) for dinner today.

               4.   I need a ___________ (cevol) of garlic to add to my soup.
               5.   These cookies are tasty. Can you give me the ___________ (epreci)?

               6.   Steaming is a healthy cooking ___________ (dotehm).

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