Page 102 - 5mod_ing
P. 102

TEST    Movies
                     New Generation Questions

           8.   Betty wants to watch a comedy movie, but Linda hates comedies. She wants to watch a science fiction.
               What should Linda say according to the text above?

               A)                                            B)
                      That’s a great
                     idea! Let’s watch a                          I love comedies.

               C)                                            D)
                                                                   What about a
                     I think comedies                              science fiction
                       are funny.

               Answer the questions ( 9 – 10 ) according to the text below.
               Hi! I’m Amanda. I love seeing movies. I go to the movie theater with my friends at the weekend.
               Horror movies are my favorites. They  are scary, but I love them. I think they are exciting. My
               friend, Julia hates horror movies. She thinks they are frightening and she never watches
               them. She likes animations, but I don’t like them.  I think they are boring.

           9.   Amanda _________ .

               A)  and Julia watch animations together
               B)  doesn’t enjoy horror movies
               C)  never goes to the cinema
               D) loves seeing horror films

           10.  Which question DOES NOT have an answer in the passage?
               A)  Where do Amanda and her friends see movies?

               B)  What does Amanda think about action movies?
               C)  What is Amanda’s favorite type of movie?
               D) What kind of a movie does Julia like?

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