Page 105 - 5mod_ing
P. 105

TEST   Movies
                   New Generation Questions

             Answer the questions ( 6 – 7 ) according to the text below.

                                         I’m interested in seeing movies. Fantastic movies are my
                                         favorites. I like The Lord of the Rings, Batman, X-Man, but
                                         my favorite is Harry Potter. It is about the adventures of a
                                         boy. Harry Potter is a brave boy in the movie. He has two
                                         friends : Hermonie and Ron. Hermonie is a clever girl. She is
                                         good at doing magic. Ron is honest and friendly.
          6.   According to the text, ___________ .

              A)  Oscar loves fantastic movies
              B)  Batman is Oscar’s favorite movie
              C)  Oscar thinks Harry Potter is boring

              D) X-Man is a comedy movie

          7.   Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

              A)  Ron loves telling lies.
              B)  Hermonie and Harry are friends.
              C)  Harry Potter is a fantastic movie.
              D) Oscar enjoys going to the cinema.


                                 She helps people.                   She sleeps all day.

                             Evans                                                Sophie

                                                 What do you think about

                                  She has a lot of                    She never tells a
                                     friends.                              lie.

                            Murphy                                                 Joanne

              Who thinks Amanda is honest?
              A)  Evans             B)  Sophie             C)  Murphy             D) Joanne

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