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TEST    Games And Hobbies
                     New Generation Questions


               Vernon :  Can you do roller skating?
               Ashley  :  No, but ______________ .

               Vernon :  Me, too. Let’s take our rackets, then.
               Which option DOES NOT complete the dialogue?
               A)  I can play tennis well                    B)  I am good at tennis

               C)  I love playing tennis                     D) I am bad at playing tennis

           4.   Eric is a twelve-year old boy. He loves playing games. His favorite game is hangman. He also likes
               playing chess with his brother, Juan. Juan is good at playing chess. He never loses a match. Eric
               dislikes playing blind man’s buff and hopscotch.

               According to the passage, Eric _______________ .

               A)  hates games                      B)  likes hopscotch
               C)  loves playing chess with Juan        D)  doesn’t enjoy hangman

           5.   Jonathan has an exam. He has one wrong answer. His exam paper is below.

                      I. Where can you play hide and seek?      III. Can you ride a bike?

                      a) Yes, I can.                            a) Yes, I do.
                      b) In the park.                           b) No, I can’t.

                      II. When is your swimming course?         IV. What is your favorite game?

                      a) It’s on Monday.                        a) Dodgeball.
                      b) It’s at school.                        b) Sculpting.

               Which one is his wrong answer?
               A)  I                  B)  II                 C)  III               D) IV

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