Page 55 - 5mod_ing
P. 55

TEST   Units 1-3

          6.   Diu has an English exam. She has one wrong answer. Her exam paper is below.

                    I. How old are you?                       III. Are you from Germany?
                    a) I am twelve.                           a) Yes, I am.
                    b) I am fine, thanks.                     b) No, I can’t.

                    II. How many languages can you speak?     IV. Where are you from?
                    a) I speak three languages.               a) I am from China.
                    b) Yes, I can.                            b) I am Chinese.

              Which one is her wrong answer?

              A)  I                 B)  II                 C)  III                D) IV


              Eddie  :  Excuse me, how can I get to the museum?
              Drake  :  Go straight ahead and take the first right. It is on your left.

              Which sign is ODD according to Drake’s directions?
              A)                     B)                     C)                      D)

                                            Let’s play hide
                                            and seek.
                                                            ____________  .
                                                            It is my favorite


              Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
              A)  I don’t like it                          B)  I am sorry, but I can’t
              C)  That’s a great idea                      D) Take care

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