Page 84 - 8ing_dnm
P. 84

3.                                               5.
                       H , Camden      Are you do ng anyth ng
                Anwen  tomorrow afternoon?

                 Camden Hello, Anwen. No, I don’t have a plan.

                      Great. I’m go ng to the theater w th
                Anwen  some mates. Would you l ke to jo n us?
                        I’m sorry, but I don’t l ke the theatre. I prefer
                 Camden  go ng to the c nema.                      Use a strong password.

                       Ah, really? What types of mov e do you l ke?     Use a different password for each of your social
                                                                   media accounts.
                 Camden  Western and sc ence f ct on.              Don’t accept any friend requests from people
                                                                   who you don’t know.
                       I hate sc ence f ct on and western mov es.
                Anwen  I th nk our  nterests are very d  erent.      Be careful about what you share.
                                                                   Always log off when you finish.
                                                                If you want to be safe online, you should
               According to the conversation, Camden            _______________ .
               _______________ .                                A)  refuse any friend requests from strangers
               A)  and Anwen have lots of things in common      B)  use only one password for all of your accounts
               B)  isn’t keen on seeing plays                   C)  always keep your accounts logged on
               C)  and Anwen like the same types of film        D) share your personal information

               D) will definitely go to the theatre with Anwen  6.  Duncan   :  ________________?
                                                                Grace     :  Sure. He was a great microbiologist
                                                                             and chemist.
                                                                Duncan    :  Where was he from?
           4.   Answer the question according to the pie chart   Grace    :  He was from France.
               below.                                           Duncan    :  ________________?
                  Natural D sasters  n Sr  Lanka
                                                                Grace     :  He developed the rabies vaccine.
                                                                             He studied microorganisms like
                                            Flood                            bacteria.
                                            Landsl de           Duncan    :  _________________?
                                            Hurr cane           Grace     :  Well, he went to college to become
                                                                           a science teacher. He had degrees
                                                                           in mathematics, physics and
                                                                           chemistry. He became a chemistry
                                                                           professor at the University of
               Which of the following options is CORRECT
        GENEL DENEME 9  according to the chart above?           Duncan ask Grace?
                                                                Which of the following questions DOES NOT
               A)  Landslides are the least common disasters.
                                                                A)  What was his most ground-breaking achievement
               B)  Droughts rarely happen in this country.
               C)  Hurricanes are the second most common disasters.  B)  Do you know anything about Louis Pasteur
                                                                C)  What about his education
               D) Tsunamis are more common than floods in Sri Lanka.
                                                                D) How did he develop the vaccine

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