Page 88 - 8ing_dnm
P. 88

2.              Big Adventure Camp!                  Answer the questions (4-5) according to the text
                       Ages : 16-19                                   I'm from Canada. Every year, over 5000
                       Paragliding                                    earthquakes happen in my country, but
                       Rafting                                        they are not powerful enough to affect our
                       Scuba diving                                   daily lives. Floods are the most frequent
                      June  6 – June 26
                                                                      disasters in Canada. They can happen
                                                                      at any time of the year. Avalanches are
                                                                      the second most common disasters.
                                                                      Thousands of avalanches occur in Canada
                                                                      every year. Hurricanes usually happen
                                                                      between June and November.

               Which  of the following  options  IS  NOT true   4.   According to the text, ____________ in Canada.
               according to the information?                    A)  earthquakes cause great damage
               A)  Adults can’t attend the camp.                B)  floods rarely happen
               B)  You can explore the underwater world during the   C)  hurricanes threaten people every month
                                                                D) different natural disasters happen
               C)  The camp is for less than two weeks.
               D) You can try an air sport during the camp.

                                                            5.   Which of the following pictures shows the
                                                                disaster that happen more?
           3.  Hunter :   Do you follow any after-school        A)                    B)
               Maggie :   No, because I finish school at half
                          past five. I go home and rest.
                          What about you?

               Hunter :   Well, I attend the movie club on       C)                   D)
                          Monday and Tuesday.
               Maggie :   That’s nice. What is your favourite
                          type of movie?
               Hunter :   I like comedy movies. They are funny.
                          What do you do at the weekend,
                                                            6.   Kate  is  a high  school  student.  She  goes to  a
               Maggie :   I visit my grandparents. They live in    restaurant. She wants to order something for her
                          the countryside. My grandmother       main course. She also wants to eat some dessert
                          always cooks traditional meals from    and salad. She doesn’t want any beverage. Look at
                          different countries. They are delicious.  the lists below.

               Hunter :   Lucky you. What’s your favourite?
                                                                  I.  Grilled chicken  II.  Lentil soup
               Maggie :   I like biryani. It’s a dish from India.   Pudding             Carrot salad
                                                                                        Ice Cream
        GENEL DENEME 10  ______________ .                        III.  Steak          IV.  Meatballs
               According to the conversation, Maggie
               A)  and Hunter go to the movie club together
                                                                                        Today's soup
                                                                    Green salad
                                                                                        Tomato salad
               B)  sees her grandparents on Saturday and Sunday
               C)  hates after-school activities                Choose the best list for Kate.
               D) isn’t keen on traditional dishes
                                                                A)  I      B)  II      C)  III    D) IV
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