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P. 213


                                                5. GENEL DENEME

                                                Bu testte 10 soru vardır.
                                          Cevaplarınızı, cevap kağıdına işaretleyiniz.

          1.   An English teacher makes a questionnaire on 100 boys and 100 girls. It is about what they do in their free time
              and he shares the results with the students. 47 boys do sports in their free time. 26 boys meet their friends, 15
              attend courses and 12 of them run errands. However; 40 girls meet their friends, 25 girls run errands, 20 girls
              attend courses and 15 of them do sports.
              Which of the following shows the results?

                A)             FREE TIME ACTIVITIES            B)             FREE TIME ACTIVITIES
                  60          Boys         Girls                 60          Boys         Girls
                  50                                             50
                  40                                             40
                  30                                             30
                  20                                             20
                  10                                             10
                   0                                              0
                      doing   meeting   attending   running          doing   meeting   attending   running
                      sports  friends  courses  errands               sports  friends  courses  errands

                C)             FREE TIME ACTIVITIES            D)             FREE TIME ACTIVITIES
                  60          Boys         Girls                 60          Boys         Girls
                  50                                             50
                  40                                             40
                  30                                             30
                  20                                             20
                  10                                             10
                  0                                               0
                      doing   meeting   attending   running          doing   attending   meeting   running
                      sports  friends  courses  errands              sports   courses  friends  errands

                                  An earthquake struck the city of Van in eastern Turkey at 13:41 on Sunday,
                                  October 23, 2011. The magnitude of the Van earthquake was 7.2 on the Richter
                                  scale. It occurred at a depth of 20 kilometers. According to The Disaster and
                                  Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey (AFAD), the earthquake killed
                                  644 and injured 4,152 people. It also damaged 11,232 buildings, and about
                                  60,000 people lost their homes. There were more than 11,000 aftershocks after
                                  the main quake.

              In this news, there is NO information about the __________ of the earthquake.

              A)  size              B)  results            C)  location           D) cause

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