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                                                2. GENEL DENEME

                                                Bu testte 10 soru vardır.
                                          Cevaplarınızı, cevap kağıdına işaretleyiniz.

          1.   People call customer services for different purposes. Here are four people’s reasons:

                 Restaurant reservation
                 Doctor appointment
                 Emergency services
              Which of the following talks DOES NOT match with one of the purposes above?

               A)                                            B)

                            I want to book a table for two                  I bought a smartphone last
                            for ton ght.                                    week but  t  sn't work ng now.

              C)                                             D)

                            I need your help. Somebody  s                   I don't feel well. Could I see my
                            try ng to break  nto my                         doctor tomorrow?
                            ne ghbour’s house.

                   Welcome to Mark’s Blog

                  H ! I’m Mark. Welcome to my blog. I have tr ed many
                  d  erent sports so far. I tr ed scuba d v ng and rock
                  cl mb ng  n Austral a last summer. They were fasc nat ng but
                  very challeng ng. I jumped out of a plane last week  n Duba .
                  Watch ng scenery over the land  s magn f cent. I also tr ed
                  hang-gl d ng there. It was heart-stopp ng. I’m go ng to go
                  kayak ng at Çoruh R ver and have  a hot a r balloon r de  n
                  Cappadoc a next week. I hope I’ll l ke  t.

              Which of the following HAS NOT Mark tried so far?

              A)                        B)                    C)                      D)

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