Page 71 - 8_og_5li_ds
P. 71


                H ! I’m Pel n from Moon                                      Az z Sancar, def n tely. He  s a
                   TV. __________?            Pel n                Al              great sc ent st.

                                                                                  He  s a b ochem st.

                                                                            He made  mportant d scover es
                                                                            about DNA repa r. Also, he won
                                                                             The Nobel Pr ze  n Chem stry
                                                                                       n 2015.

              Which question DOES NOT the interviewer ask?

              A)  What is his profession                   B)  How many awards did he get in his life
              C)  What are his achievements                D) Who is the most important scientist in the world

                        It snows heav ly  n w nter  n my c ty,        Underwater earthquakes often
                        so we have large amounts of snow fall         happen  n my c ty. I feel very worr ed
                        down the mounta ns des around the             about th s s tuat on.
                Er c    c ty.                                 Br an

                        People should stop releas ng heat-
                        trapp ng gases before  t’s too late. We        It hasn’t ra ned  n my reg on for one
                        need to protect our planet because  t’s        year. I th nk we w ll have a ser ous
                        our home.                                      d saster  n the near future.
               Nash                                           Col n

              Which of the following does NOT match any of the statements above?

              A)  Drought           B)  Global warming     C)  Avalanche          D) Flood

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